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  • SPECIAL - Haskap Variety Pak - Free Shipping
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    Slightly Pear shaped, full flavored with good sweet/tart balance. 16mm (0.6 in). Popular for commmerical production.


    Large, round, fleshy, sweet, mild-flavoured fruit. High Sugar / acid ratio. 14mm(.5in)


    Large fruit, mild, pleasant flavour,juicy. 17mm (.7in)

    Lee #8

    A cross between Theissen and Northline. 16mm(.6in)


    Saskatoon Berries are a small, round bluish purple berry that grows on trees native to British Columbia, the prairies, northern Canada, and the North West and North Central USA.

    The Saskatoon name is from the Cree language mis채skwatomina, which means "the fruit of the tree of many branches". They used the berries to make pemmican, which was a staple in their diets, and was important to them as well for medicinal purposes.

    There is a remarkable difference between "wild" Saskatoons and the domestic varieties. The domestic Saskatoon has been selected solely on the basis of its superior fruit size, taste, yield, flowering time and overall productivity. Although, there are good patches of wild Saskatoons still around, the flavour does not begin to compare to what can be produced by domestic Saskatoons.